2023 Meat Schedule

Starting March 2023…


Pork will be our first product back in stock for 2023 starting in March! We all know what that means… BACON!! and so much more.
If you’re interested in wholesale pork (half or full hog) these are our expected harvest dates:



Beef is up next in April!
Wholesale beef (quarter beef or side of beef) will be available:


Please let us know ASAP if you’re interested in a quarter beef for this year to secure your order.


We'll be fully stocked with whole chickens all year long following May long weekend. You can get them halved or quartered if ordering ahead:

We’ll be harvesting chicken:



We have a small supply of farm fresh eggs all year long. If you’re interested in a weekly supply please let me know!


Yes, we’ll have fresh Thanksgiving Turkeys again this year! Fresh birds sold out in 2022 with lots of demand after they were gone.

So it seems crazy in January..but if you want to guarantee your FRESH Thanksgiving Turkey for 2023, let us know and I’ll put you on the list!

We’ll have fresh turkey pick up on Saturday October 7th here at our farm.
We will also have a small number of fresh turkeys for Christmas this year!


We trialed a couple of these in 2022 and they all sold out within a few days, so it sounds like a lot of you like this option! If you’re new here, the mixed boxes are seasonal cuts of beef, pork and chicken all in one order. The quantity is aimed to feed a family of 4 for 2-3 months, depending on the crowd you’re feeding.

These are the 2023 mixed box dates:

Spring Box in April
Summer Box in June
Fall Box in September
Winter Box in December


We also trialed some smaller grill boxes last summer which were pretty popular. These included burgers, steaks, sausages etc great for a quick grab on the way up to the cottage or friends for the weekend. Is this something you'd like to see again?
Planning to have a good supply of ground beef heading into September for a back to school special as well. Who doesn’t love some tasty ground beef after a hard day at school?

I am so excited for this 2023 season, meeting more and more of our community and providing farm fresh food. It’s local, delicious and nutritious!

Please share this website with friends and family! Thank you!!